Integrated Lecture "Kognitive Algorithmen"

Computer programs can learn useful cognitive skills. This integrated lecture tries to communicate an intuitive understanding of elementary concepts in machine learning, their historical development and their application on real data with a special focus on methods that are simple to implement.

We will alternated a lecture and a practice session. In the practice session students will implement and apply machine learning algorithms on real data in Python.



Wednesday, 10:00 - 12:00, 29.10.2014 - 11.02.2015


MAR 4.063


Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller

Contact Person:

Irene Winkler


We will cover (among other things)

More information can be found on the ISIS Website.


All exercice sheets, the slides and recommended literature will be in English. The lecture itself will be in German if most of the participants agree on that.


The following are prerequisites are helpful for taking the course:


The integrated lecture is the compulsory part of the B.Sc. module "Kognitive Algorithmen" in Computer Science. This "Kognitive Algorihtmen" module is a 6 ECTS/SP module, and consists of

The grade will be determined in a written exam at the end of the semester. The grades of the elective will not count towards the grade of the entire module.

IDA Wiki: Main/WS14_KA (last edited 2014-07-18 08:41:45 by IreneWinkler)