Seminar Machine Learning in the Sciences
1st meeting:
2018-04-19 10:00 MAR 0.009
2018-07-19 10:00 - 16:00 MAR 4.033
David Lassner
Enrollment / Limited number of participants
If you intend to participate, please send an e-mail to with title "Seminar Machine Learning in the Sciences Enrollment" and this text:
Name: Your name Matr.Nr: Your student ID (Matrikelnummer) Degree: The degree you are enrolled in and want to use this course for. TU student: Yes/No (Are you a enrolled as a regular student at TU Berlin?) Other student: If you are not a regular student, please write your status. ML1: Yes/No (Did you take the course Machine Learning 1 at TU Berlin?) Other ML course: If you did not take ML1 at TU Berlin, please write if you took any equivalent course.
Participation spots are mostly assigned on a first come/first serve basis. Please keep in mind that auditing students and Nebenhörer can only participate if less than 15 regular TU students register for the course (