Attachment 'sheet05_01.m'
Download 1 function sheet05_01
2 % Comparing Bayesian estimation versus maximum-likelihood estimation.
4 % generate some Bernoulli distributed data
5 N = 300;
6 p = 0.3;
7 X = rand(1, N) < p;
9 % estimate p using the ml estimator
10 ml = zeros(1, N);
11 for I = 1:N
12 ml(I) = ml_estimate(X(1:I));
13 end
15 % estimate p using a "non-informative"
16 [B11A, B11B] = beta_estimate(1, 1, X);
17 [B7030A, B7030B] = beta_estimate(70, 30, X);
18 [B300700A, B300700B] = beta_estimate(300, 700, X);
20 B11A
22 plot(1:N, ml, 'g');
23 hold on;
24 plot_beta_estimates(B11A, B11B, 'r');
25 plot_beta_estimates(B7030A, B7030B, 'k');
26 plot_beta_estimates(B300700A, B300700B, 'b');
27 hold off;
29 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
30 % only make changes blow
32 % 1. Compute the maximum-likelihood estimate for Bernoulli random
33 % variables from the samples contained in X
34 function p = ml_estimate(X)
35 % ...
37 % Compute the continuous updates of the beta distribution prior
38 % parameters for X.
39 function [A, B] = beta_estimate(a, b, X)
40 N = length(X);
41 A = zeros(1, N);
42 B = zeros(1, N);
43 for I = 1:N
44 [a, b] = beta_update(a, b, X(I));
45 A(I) = a;
46 B(I) = b;
47 end
49 % 2. Update the a and b parameters of the beta distribution prior
50 % for a single X.
51 function [a, b] = beta_update(a, b, X)
52 % ...
54 % 3. Compute the mean and variance of the beta distribution for
55 % the given vector of parameters
56 function [M, V] = beta_stats(A, B)
57 % ...
59 % Plot mean and two times standard deviation.
60 function plot_beta_estimates(A, B, mark)
61 N = length(A);
62 [M, V] = beta_stats(A, B);
63 plot(1:N, M, [mark, '-'], ...
64 1:N, M + 2*sqrt(V), [mark, ':'], ...
65 1:N, M - 2*sqrt(V), [mark, ':']);
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