Integrated lecture and tutorials ''Acquisition and Analysis of Neuronal Data''

Dates, Lecturers, and Location


Part of the Master Program Computation Neuroscience

Dates and Rooms:

Lecture: Fridays from 09:15 to 10:45 in the lecture hall 102 (Haus 6)

Tutorials: Fridays from 11:00 (st!) to 12:30 in the computer pool of Haus 2


Part 1: Benjamin Blankertz

Part 2: Richard Kempter


Bernstein Center for Computational Neurosciences Berlin, Haus 6 (lecture) and Haus 2 (tutorials), Philippstr. 13

TU University calendar:

LSF entry

Further Information on the web page of the BCCN-B.


This part of the module "Acquisition and Analysis of Neural Data" of the Master Program in Computational Neuroscience provides knowledge on statistical analyses of neural data:

Required background knowledge: Basic knowledge in Neurobiology and Mathematics at the level of the first year of the Master Program in Computational Neuroscience.

Course Certificates

To obtain course certificates, at least 75% of the points in the exercises (5 ECTS) must be attained.

To obtain the full 5 ECTS for the tutorial, every student has to complete an additional small project (2 ECTS). The tasks of the project in AAND will be distributed in the lecture on July 6th and put on this web page. The tasks will be similar to the exercises (EEG data analysis with Matlab) and solutions have to be submitted until October 1st. The idea is to have small groups of two or three students who work together on the tasks. Each group will receive a different task.

The data for the final oral exam on the module "Acquisition and Analysis of Neuronal Data" will be announced here.


will be provided here.

Background material

Part 2 (EEG)