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Block-Seminar "Big Data & Scalable Machine Learning"

The Big Data & Scalable Machine Learning Seminar is an optional course in the module "Machine Learning 1-X" and is worth 3 LP (3 ECTS credits).

In the general case, it is not possible to take the seminar as a standalone course. There are possible exceptions to this (e.g. it complements another ML or related course you are taking in parallel). In that case, a special request needs to be made.

Termine und Informationen

Erster Termin für Themenvergabe

Monday 5 Nov 2018 from 10:00 to 11:00 in MA 004


Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller


Gregoire Montavon,




Wahlpflicht LV im Modul Machine Learning 1-X (Computer Science M.Sc.)


This seminar will cover a number of topics to scale machine learning, such as stochastic optimization methods, neural networks, distributed machine learning, and cover key applications such as learning from big data or real-time data analysis.

Students will read, understand, evaluate and present selected research papers. At the end of the semester, each student will present his/her topic in a 20 min talk (+ 5-10 min questions) in English. Students are required to attend the entire seminar.

IDA Wiki: Main/WS18_BigData (last edited 2018-11-02 13:32:57 by GrégoireMontavon)