Attachment 'sheet07.m'
Download 1 function sheet07
3 N = 300; % size of training data set
4 K = 5; % number of neighbors
6 % generate a training and test data set
7 [X, Y] = generate_data(N);
8 [XE, YE] = generate_data(1000);
10 % plot training data set
11 IP = find(Y == 1);
12 IN = find(Y == -1);
13 plot(X(IP, 1), X(IP, 2), 'r+', X(IN, 1), X(IN, 2), 'bo');
15 % predict on training set
16 Yh = knn(K, X, Y, X);
18 % predict on test set
19 YEh = knn(K, X, Y, XE);
21 % Plot predictions and training and test error in the title.
22 hold on;
23 plotgrid(K, X, Y, -6, 6, -6, 6);
24 hold off;
25 colormap([0 0 0])
26 title(sprintf('training error = %.2f%%, test error = %.2f%%', ...
27 loss(Y, Yh), loss(YE, YEh)));
29 function [X, Y] = generate_data(N)
30 X = [2*randn(N, 2) + repmat([1, 2], N, 1); ...
31 0.5*randn(N, 2) + repmat([-2, 1], N, 1)];
32 Y = [ones(N, 1); -ones(N, 1)];
34 % Compute all pairwise distances quickly.
35 function D = pwdist(X, Y)
36 D = size(X, 2);
37 N = size(X, 1);
38 M = size(Y, 1);
40 XX = sum(X.*X, 2);
41 YY = sum(Y.*Y, 2);
42 D = repmat(XX, 1, M) + repmat(YY', N, 1) - 2*X*Y';
44 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
45 % Your Solutions Below
47 % 1. knn - implement k-nearest neighbor prediction
48 %
49 % inputs:
50 % K - number of neighbors
51 % X - [n, d]-matrix with n training data points of dimension d (in the rows!)
52 % Y - [n, 1]-matrix of +1, -1 training labels
53 % XE - [m, d]-matrix with test labels, for which predictions should
54 % be computed
55 %
56 % output:
57 % Yh - [m, 1]-matrix of predicted labels (real number, sign
58 % indicates class.
59 %
60 % Note: one for-loop is allowed.
61 function Yh = knn(K, X, Y, XE)
62 % ...
64 % 2. loss - compute the 0-1 loss. Sign of entries of Y and Yh indicate
65 % class.
66 function E = loss(Y, Yh)
67 % ...
69 % 3. plotgrid - plot knn predictions on a grid
70 %
71 % inputs:
72 % K, X, Y - as inputs to knn
73 % XMIN, XMAX - minimal and maximal value of X
74 % YMIN, YMAX - minimal and maximal value of Y
75 %
76 % Hint: use meshgrid, contour
77 function plotgrid(K, X, Y, XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX)
78 % ...
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