== Integrated Lecture "Kognitive Algorithmen" == Computer programs can learn useful cognitive skills. This integrated lecture tries to communicate an intuitive understanding of elementary concepts in machine learning and their application on real data with a special focus on methods that are simple to implement. We recommend the [[Main/WS14_MaschinellesLernen1 | "Machine Learning 1" ]] lecture or the [[Main/SS15_MLPraktikum|"Machine learning lab course"]] for a more advanced treatment (this course is not a prerequisite). We will alternated a lecture and a practice session. In the practice session students will implement and apply machine learning algorithms on real data in Python. === Dates === ||'''Date:''' || Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00, 16.04.2015 - 16.07.2015|| || '''Room:'''|| MAR 0.013 || || '''Responsible:''' || [[http://www.ml.tu-berlin.de/menue/members/klaus-robert_mueller/|Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller]] || || '''Contact Person:''' || [[http://www.user.tu-berlin.de/irene.winkler/| Irene Winkler]]|| === Topics === We will cover (among other things) * Supervised learning (linear regression techniques, linear classification, kernel based regression, neural networks) * Unsupervised Learning (Principal Component Analysis, Clustering) * Model Selection More information can be found on the [[https://isis.tu-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=4772|ISIS]] Website. === Language === All exercice sheets, the slides and recommended literature will be in English. However, the lecture and exercise sessions will be conducted in German. === Prerequisites === The following are prerequisites are helpful for taking the course: * Basic knowledge in linear algebra and calculus * Basic programming knowledge, programming in Python === Credits === The integrated lecture is the compulsory part of the B.Sc. module "Kognitive Algorithmen" in Computer Science. This "Kognitive Algorihtmen" module is a 6 ECTS/SP module, and consists of * The compulsory integrated lecture (2 SWS / 3 SP / 3 ECTS), and * An elective (2 SWS / 3 SP / 3 ECTS): a Math refresher course, an [[Main/SS15_PythonKurs | introduction to python programming ]] or a [[Main/SS15_AKA|seminar ("Applications of Cognitive Algorithms")]] for a more in-depth treatment of selected applications. The grade will be determined in a written exam at the end of the semester. The grades of the elective will not count towards the grade of the entire module.