Attachment 'Aufgabe4.m'
Download 1 function A = Aufgabe4(X, k)
2 %Aufgabe4 - compute and plot k-nn graph, histogram of node degrees and edge lengths.
3 %
4 %usage
5 % A = Aufgabe4(X, k)
6 %
7 %input
8 % X : (2,n)-matrix of column vectors.
9 % k : Number of nearest neighbours.
10 %
11 %output
12 % A : (n,n)-adjacency matrix, where A_ij == 1 iff vertices i and j are connected.
13 %
14 %description
15 % Aufgabe4 computes the k-nearest-neighbour graph on the columns in X and plots
16 % the histogram of node degrees and edge lengths.
17 %
18 %author
19 %
21 [d, n] = size(X);
23 % Compute squared distance matrix.
24 xx = sum( X .^ 2, 1);
25 D = repmat(xx, [n 1]) -2*X'*X + repmat(xx', [1 n]);
27 % Build adjacency matrix.
28 [foo, ii] = sort(D);
29 A = zeros(n, n);
30 for i=1:n
31 A(i,ii(2:k+1, i)) = 1;
32 end
33 A = double(A | A');
35 % Plot graph.
36 subplot(3, 1, 1);
37 plot(X(1,:), X(2,:), 'bo');
38 hold on;
39 At = triu(A);
40 [ii, jj] = find(At);
42 for i=1:length(ii)
43 h = line( [ X(1,ii(i)) X(1,jj(i)) ], [ X(2,ii(i)) X(2,jj(i)) ] );
44 set(h, 'LineStyle', '--');
45 end
46 title('Graph');
48 % Histogram of node degrees.
49 subplot(3, 1, 2);
50 hist(sum(A, 1));
51 title('Histogram of degrees');
53 % Histogram of edge lengths.
54 subplot(3, 1, 3);
55 hist(D(find(At)));
56 title('Histogram of edge lengths');
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