Attachment 'Aufgabe3.m'
Download 1 function Aufgabe3
2 %Aufgabe3 - Simulate Monty-Hall-Problem and plot empirical evidence.
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4 %usage
5 % Aufgabe3
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7 %description
8 % Aufgabe3 simulates the Monty-Hall-Problem 10000 times and plots are pie-chart
9 % which indicates whether it is wise to switch doors or not.
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11 %author
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14 N = 10000;
16 who_won = zeros(2, N);
18 for i=1:N
19 % Put price behind a random door.
20 price = zeros(1,3);
21 price(randint(1, 1, [1 3])) = 1;
23 % Strategy 1: Choose door at random.
24 strat1_sel = randint(1, 1, [1 3]);
26 % Strategy 2: Switch to other door.
27 host_opens = randomchoice(setdiff(1:3, [ strat1_sel find(price) ]));
28 strat2_sel = randomchoice(setdiff(1:3, [ strat1_sel host_opens ]));
30 who_won(1, i) = price(strat1_sel);
31 who_won(2, i) = price(strat2_sel);
32 end
34 pie(sum(who_won, 2) / N, { 'Strategy 1: Do not change', 'Strategy 2: Change doors' });
35 title(sprintf('Frequency of wins for the two strategies in %d simulations', N));
37 % Choose an element of vector a at random.
38 function c = randomchoice(a)
39 c = a(randint(1, 1, [1 length(a)]));
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