a = [ 45 63 12 ]: ??? a = [ 45 63 12 ]: | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. a = [ 45, 63, 12 ]: ??? a = [ 45, 63, 12 ]: | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. a = [ 45, 63, 12 ]; whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes a 1x3 24 double ans 1x1 8 double b 1x1 8 double d 1x1 8 double a a = 45 63 12 a = [ 45 63 12 ]; a(1) ans = 45 a(2) = 344.53; a a = 45.0000 344.5300 12.0000 a([1 2]) ans = 45.0000 344.5300 a([1 2]) ans = 45.0000 344.5300 a([1 4]) ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. 1:10 ans = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a + ??? Error: "a" was previously used as a variable, conflicting with its use here as the name of a function or command. See MATLAB Programming, "Determining Which Function Is Called" for details. a = rand(1, 10); a a = Columns 1 through 7 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 0.0975 0.2785 Columns 8 through 10 0.5469 0.9575 0.9649 a( [1 2 3 4 5] ) ans = 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 a( 1:5 ) ans = 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 a( [1 2 3 4 5] ) ans = 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 a( 1 2 3 4 5 ) ??? a( 1 2 3 4 5 ) | Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression. a( 1:5 ) ans = 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 a( 5:end ) ans = 0.6324 0.0975 0.2785 0.5469 0.9575 0.9649 1:2:10 ans = 1 3 5 7 9 a( end:-1:1 ) ans = Columns 1 through 7 0.9649 0.9575 0.5469 0.2785 0.0975 0.6324 0.9134 Columns 8 through 10 0.1270 0.9058 0.8147 help HELP topics: matlab/general - General purpose commands. matlab/ops - Operators and special characters. matlab/lang - Programming language constructs. matlab/elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab/elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab/specfun - Specialized math functions. matlab/matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. matlab/datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. matlab/polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials. matlab/funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers. matlab/sparfun - Sparse matrices. matlab/scribe - Annotation and Plot Editing. matlab/graph2d - Two dimensional graphs. matlab/graph3d - Three dimensional graphs. matlab/specgraph - Specialized graphs. matlab/graphics - Handle Graphics. matlab/uitools - Graphical User Interface Tools. matlab/strfun - Character strings. matlab/imagesci - Image and scientific data input/output. matlab/iofun - File input and output. matlab/audiovideo - Audio and Video support. matlab/timefun - Time and dates. matlab/datatypes - Data types and structures. matlab/verctrl - Version control. matlab/codetools - Commands for creating and debugging code. matlab/helptools - Help commands. matlab/demos - Examples and demonstrations. matlab/timeseries - Time series data visualization and exploration. matlab/hds - (No table of contents file) matlab/guide - Graphical User Interface Tools. matlab/plottools - Graphical User Interface Tools. toolbox/local - General preferences and configuration information. shared/controllib - Control Library simulink/simulink - Simulink simulink/blocks - Simulink block library. simulink/components - Simulink components. simulink/fixedandfloat - Simulink Fixed Point utilities. fixedandfloat/fxpdemos - Simulink Fixed Point Demos fixedandfloat/obsolete - (No table of contents file) simulink/simdemos - Simulink demonstrations and examples. simdemos/aerospace - Simulink: Aerospace model demonstrations and samples. simdemos/automotive - Simulink: Automotive model demonstrations and samples. simdemos/simfeatures - Simulink: Feature demonstrations and samples. simdemos/simgeneral - Simulink: General model demonstrations and samples. simulink/dee - Differential Equation Editor shared/dastudio - (No table of contents file) shared/glue - (No table of contents file) stateflow/stateflow - Stateflow rtw/rtw - (No table of contents file) simulink/modeladvisor - (No table of contents file) modeladvisor/fixpt - (No table of contents file) simulink/MPlayIO - (No table of contents file) simulink/dataobjectwizard - (No table of contents file) shared/fixedpointlib - (No table of contents file) simulink/dataimportexport - (No table of contents file) shared/hdlshared - (No table of contents file) stateflow/sfdemos - Stateflow demonstrations and samples. stateflow/coder - (No table of contents file) eml/eml - (No table of contents file) emlcoder/emlcoder - Embedded MATLAB Coder. emlcoder/emlcodermex - (No table of contents file) fixedpoint/fixedpoint - (No table of contents file) fixedpoint/fidemos - (No table of contents file) images/images - Image Processing Toolbox images/imuitools - Image Processing Toolbox --- imuitools images/imdemos - Image Processing Toolbox --- demos and sample images images/iptutils - Image Processing Toolbox --- utilities shared/imageslib - Image Processing Toolbox Library images/medformats - Image Processing Toolbox --- Medical formats slvnv/simcoverage - (No table of contents file) optim/optim - Optimization Toolbox optim/optimdemos - shared/optimlib - Optimization Toolbox Library signal/signal - Signal Processing Toolbox signal/sigtools - (No table of contents file) signal/sptoolgui - (No table of contents file) signal/sigdemos - (No table of contents file) shared/spcuilib - (No table of contents file) toolbox/stats - Statistics Toolbox vr/vr - (No table of contents file) vr/vrdemos - Virtual Reality Toolbox examples. matlab/work - (No table of contents file) help colon : Colon. J:K is the same as [J, J+1, ..., K]. J:K is empty if J > K. J:D:K is the same as [J, J+D, ..., J+m*D] where m = fix((K-J)/D). J:D:K is empty if D == 0, if D > 0 and J > K, or if D < 0 and J < K. COLON(J,K) is the same as J:K and COLON(J,D,K) is the same as J:D:K. The colon notation can be used to pick out selected rows, columns and elements of vectors, matrices, and arrays. A(:) is all the elements of A, regarded as a single column. On the left side of an assignment statement, A(:) fills A, preserving its shape from before. A(:,J) is the J-th column of A. A(J:K) is [A(J),A(J+1),...,A(K)]. A(:,J:K) is [A(:,J),A(:,J+1),...,A(:,K)] and so on. The colon notation can be used with a cell array to produce a comma- separated list. C{:} is the same as C{1},C{2},...,C{end}. The comma separated list syntax is valid inside () for function calls, [] for concatenation and function return arguments, and inside {} to produce a cell array. Expressions such as S(:).name produce the comma separated list S(1).name,S(2).name,...,S(end).name for the structure S. For the use of the colon in the FOR statement, See FOR. For the use of the colon in a comma separated list, See VARARGIN. help colon : Colon. J:K is the same as [J, J+1, ..., K]. J:K is empty if J > K. J:D:K is the same as [J, J+D, ..., J+m*D] where m = fix((K-J)/D). J:D:K is empty if D == 0, if D > 0 and J > K, or if D < 0 and J < K. COLON(J,K) is the same as J:K and COLON(J,D,K) is the same as J:D:K. The colon notation can be used to pick out selected rows, columns and elements of vectors, matrices, and arrays. A(:) is all the elements of A, regarded as a single column. On the left side of an assignment statement, A(:) fills A, preserving its shape from before. A(:,J) is the J-th column of A. A(J:K) is [A(J),A(J+1),...,A(K)]. A(:,J:K) is [A(:,J),A(:,J+1),...,A(:,K)] and so on. The colon notation can be used with a cell array to produce a comma- separated list. C{:} is the same as C{1},C{2},...,C{end}. The comma separated list syntax is valid inside () for function calls, [] for concatenation and function return arguments, and inside {} to produce a cell array. Expressions such as S(:).name produce the comma separated list S(1).name,S(2).name,...,S(end).name for the structure S. For the use of the colon in the FOR statement, See FOR. For the use of the colon in a comma separated list, See VARARGIN. A = [ 5 22 3; 9 0 -8; 2.3 4 1 ] A = 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 9.0000 0 -8.0000 2.3000 4.0000 1.0000 whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 3x3 72 double a 1x10 80 double ans 1x10 80 double b 1x1 8 double d 1x1 8 double B = [ 1 2 ]; whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 3x3 72 double B 1x2 16 double a 1x10 80 double ans 1x10 80 double b 1x1 8 double d 1x1 8 double A A = 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 9.0000 0 -8.0000 2.3000 4.0000 1.0000 A(1,1) ans = 5 A(2, 2) ans = 0 A(3, 3) ans = 1 A(3, 3) = 888; A A = 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 9.0000 0 -8.0000 2.3000 4.0000 888.0000 A(1:end,1) ans = 5.0000 9.0000 2.3000 A(:,1) ans = 5.0000 9.0000 2.3000 A(:,[1 3]) ans = 5.0000 3.0000 9.0000 -8.0000 2.3000 888.0000 A(2,:) ans = 9 0 -8 A([1 2], [1 2]) ans = 5 22 9 0 A A = 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 9.0000 0 -8.0000 2.3000 4.0000 888.0000 A(3) ans = 2.3000 A(9) ans = 888 A(2,:) = A(1,:); A A = 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 5.0000 22.0000 3.0000 2.3000 4.0000 888.0000 A(:,2) = 0: ??? A(:,2) = 0: | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. A(:,2) = 0; A A = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 B = [ A A A ] B = Columns 1 through 7 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 Columns 8 through 9 0 3.0000 0 3.0000 0 888.0000 B = [ A; A; A ] B = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 repmat(A, [1 3 ]) ans = Columns 1 through 7 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 Columns 8 through 9 0 3.0000 0 3.0000 0 888.0000 [A A A] ans = Columns 1 through 7 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 Columns 8 through 9 0 3.0000 0 3.0000 0 888.0000 repmat(A, [3 1]) ans = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 repmat(A, [3 2]) ans = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 repmat(A, [100 2]) ans = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 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3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 help repmat REPMAT Replicate and tile an array. B = repmat(A,M,N) creates a large matrix B consisting of an M-by-N tiling of copies of A. The size of B is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N]. The statement repmat(A,N) creates an N-by-N tiling. B = REPMAT(A,[M N]) accomplishes the same result as repmat(A,M,N). B = REPMAT(A,[M N P ...]) tiles the array A to produce a multidimensional array B composed of copies of A. The size of B is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N, size(A,3)*P, ...]. REPMAT(A,M,N) when A is a scalar is commonly used to produce an M-by-N matrix filled with A's value and having A's CLASS. For certain values, you may achieve the same results using other functions. Namely, REPMAT(NAN,M,N) is the same as NAN(M,N) REPMAT(SINGLE(INF),M,N) is the same as INF(M,N,'single') REPMAT(INT8(0),M,N) is the same as ZEROS(M,N,'int8') REPMAT(UINT32(1),M,N) is the same as ONES(M,N,'uint32') REPMAT(EPS,M,N) is the same as EPS(ONES(M,N)) Example: repmat(magic(2), 2, 3) repmat(uint8(5), 2, 3) Class support for input A: float: double, single See also BSXFUN, MESHGRID, ONES, ZEROS, NAN, INF. Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories) help categorical/repmat.m size(B) ans = 9 3 size(B, 1) ans = 9 size(B, 2) ans = 3 size(B, 2) ans = 3 size(B, 3) ans = 1 A A = 5.0000 0 3.0000 5.0000 0 3.0000 2.3000 0 888.0000 A*A ans = 1.0e+05 * 0.0003 0 0.0268 0.0003 0 0.0268 0.0205 0 7.8855 A = magic(3) A = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 A*A ans = 91 67 67 67 91 67 67 67 91 A*magic(5) ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree. 10*A ans = 80 10 60 30 50 70 40 90 20 A - magic(3) ans = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lookfor determinant DET Determinant. help det DET Determinant. DET(X) is the determinant of the square matrix X. Use COND instead of DET to test for matrix singularity. See also COND. det(A) ans = -360 A A = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 B = rand(3,3): ??? B = rand(3,3): | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. B = rand(3,3); A .* B ans = 1.2609 0.4854 2.5306 2.9118 4.0014 6.4101 3.8287 1.2770 1.5844 A .^ 2 ans = 64 1 36 9 25 49 16 81 4 A A = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 A .* A ans = 64 1 36 9 25 49 16 81 4 A A = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 sum(A,1) ans = 15 15 15 sum(A,2) ans = 15 15 15 diag(A) ans = 8 5 2 sum(diag(A)) ans = 15 trace(A) ans = 15 help elmat Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. Elementary matrices. zeros - Zeros array. ones - Ones array. eye - Identity matrix. repmat - Replicate and tile array. rand - Uniformly distributed random numbers. randn - Normally distributed random numbers. linspace - Linearly spaced vector. logspace - Logarithmically spaced vector. freqspace - Frequency spacing for frequency response. meshgrid - X and Y arrays for 3-D plots. accumarray - Construct an array with accumulation. : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. Basic array information. size - Size of array. length - Length of vector. ndims - Number of dimensions. numel - Number of elements. disp - Display matrix or text. isempty - True for empty array. isequal - True if arrays are numerically equal. isequalwithequalnans - True if arrays are numerically equal. Matrix manipulation. cat - Concatenate arrays. reshape - Change size. diag - Diagonal matrices and diagonals of matrix. blkdiag - Block diagonal concatenation. tril - Extract lower triangular part. triu - Extract upper triangular part. fliplr - Flip matrix in left/right direction. flipud - Flip matrix in up/down direction. flipdim - Flip matrix along specified dimension. rot90 - Rotate matrix 90 degrees. : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. find - Find indices of nonzero elements. end - Last index. sub2ind - Linear index from multiple subscripts. ind2sub - Multiple subscripts from linear index. bsxfun - Binary singleton expansion function. Multi-dimensional array functions. ndgrid - Generate arrays for N-D functions and interpolation. permute - Permute array dimensions. ipermute - Inverse permute array dimensions. shiftdim - Shift dimensions. circshift - Shift array circularly. squeeze - Remove singleton dimensions. Array utility functions. isscalar - True for scalar. isvector - True for vector. Special variables and constants. ans - Most recent answer. eps - Floating point relative accuracy. realmax - Largest positive floating point number. realmin - Smallest positive floating point number. pi - 3.1415926535897.... i - Imaginary unit. inf - Infinity. nan - Not-a-Number. isnan - True for Not-a-Number. isinf - True for infinite elements. isfinite - True for finite elements. j - Imaginary unit. why - Succinct answer. Specialized matrices. compan - Companion matrix. gallery - Higham test matrices. hadamard - Hadamard matrix. hankel - Hankel matrix. hilb - Hilbert matrix. invhilb - Inverse Hilbert matrix. magic - Magic square. pascal - Pascal matrix. rosser - Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem. toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix. vander - Vandermonde matrix. wilkinson - Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix. A A = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 A > 5 ans = 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 A(ans) ans = 8 9 6 7 A(ans) = 1000; A A = 8 1 1000 3 5 1000 4 1000 1000 A A = 8 1 1000 3 5 1000 4 1000 1000 A = magic(4): ??? A = magic(4): | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. A = magic(4); a a = Columns 1 through 7 0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324 0.0975 0.2785 Columns 8 through 10 0.5469 0.9575 0.9649 A A = 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1 A > 5 ans = 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 find(A > 5) ans = 1 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 A(find(A > 5)) = 1000; A A = 1000 2 3 1000 5 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 4 1000 1000 1 magic(5) ans = 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 16 4 6 13 20 22 10 12 19 21 3 11 18 25 2 9 eye(2) ans = 1 0 0 1 eye(5) ans = 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 zeros(1, 10) ans = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zeros(1, 10)' ans = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ones(4, 4) ans = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rand(3, 3) ans = 0.9595 0.8491 0.7577 0.6557 0.9340 0.7431 0.0357 0.6787 0.3922 randn(3, 3) ans = -0.4326 0.2877 1.1892 -1.6656 -1.1465 -0.0376 0.1253 1.1909 0.3273 help randn RANDN Normally distributed random numbers. R = RANDN(N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudo-random values drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation one. RANDN(M,N) or RANDN([M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix. RANDN(M,N,P,...) or RANDN([M,N,P,...]) returns an M-by-N-by-P-by-... array. RANDN with no arguments returns a scalar. RANDN(SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A. You can use one of two generator algorithms, as follows: RANDN(METHOD,S) causes RANDN to use the generator determined by METHOD, and initializes the state of that generator. S is a scalar integer value from 0 to 2^32-1, or the output of RANDN(METHOD). METHOD is one of the following strings: 'state' - Use Marsaglia's Ziggurat algorithm, the default in MATLAB Versions 5 and later. The period is approximately 2^64. 'seed' - Use the polar algorithm, the default in MATLAB Version 4. The period is approximately (2^31-1)*(pi/8). RANDN(METHOD) returns the current internal state of the generator determined by METHOD. However, it does not switch generators. The sequence of numbers produced by RANDN is determined by the internal state of the generator. Setting the generator to the same fixed state allows computations to be repeated. Setting the generator to different states leads to unique computations, however, it does not improve any statistical properties. Since MATLAB resets the state at start-up, RANDN will generate the same sequence of numbers in each session unless the state is changed. Note: The size inputs M, N, and P... should be nonnegative integers. Negative integers are treated as 0. Examples: Return RANDN to its default initial state. randn('state',0) Initialize RANDN to a different state each time. randn('state',sum(100*clock)) Save the current state, generate 100 values, reset the state, and repeat the sequence. s = randn('state'); r1 = randn(100); randn('state',s); r2 = randn(100); % contains exactly the same values as r1 Generate normal values with mean 1 and standard deviation 2. r = 1 + 2.*randn(100,1); See also RAND, SPRAND, SPRANDN, RANDPERM. help elmat Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. Elementary matrices. zeros - Zeros array. ones - Ones array. eye - Identity matrix. repmat - Replicate and tile array. rand - Uniformly distributed random numbers. randn - Normally distributed random numbers. linspace - Linearly spaced vector. logspace - Logarithmically spaced vector. freqspace - Frequency spacing for frequency response. meshgrid - X and Y arrays for 3-D plots. accumarray - Construct an array with accumulation. : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. Basic array information. size - Size of array. length - Length of vector. ndims - Number of dimensions. numel - Number of elements. disp - Display matrix or text. isempty - True for empty array. isequal - True if arrays are numerically equal. isequalwithequalnans - True if arrays are numerically equal. Matrix manipulation. cat - Concatenate arrays. reshape - Change size. diag - Diagonal matrices and diagonals of matrix. blkdiag - Block diagonal concatenation. tril - Extract lower triangular part. triu - Extract upper triangular part. fliplr - Flip matrix in left/right direction. flipud - Flip matrix in up/down direction. flipdim - Flip matrix along specified dimension. rot90 - Rotate matrix 90 degrees. : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. find - Find indices of nonzero elements. end - Last index. sub2ind - Linear index from multiple subscripts. ind2sub - Multiple subscripts from linear index. bsxfun - Binary singleton expansion function. Multi-dimensional array functions. ndgrid - Generate arrays for N-D functions and interpolation. permute - Permute array dimensions. ipermute - Inverse permute array dimensions. shiftdim - Shift dimensions. circshift - Shift array circularly. squeeze - Remove singleton dimensions. Array utility functions. isscalar - True for scalar. isvector - True for vector. Special variables and constants. ans - Most recent answer. eps - Floating point relative accuracy. realmax - Largest positive floating point number. realmin - Smallest positive floating point number. pi - 3.1415926535897.... i - Imaginary unit. inf - Infinity. nan - Not-a-Number. isnan - True for Not-a-Number. isinf - True for infinite elements. isfinite - True for finite elements. j - Imaginary unit. why - Succinct answer. Specialized matrices. compan - Companion matrix. gallery - Higham test matrices. hadamard - Hadamard matrix. hankel - Hankel matrix. hilb - Hilbert matrix. invhilb - Inverse Hilbert matrix. magic - Magic square. pascal - Pascal matrix. rosser - Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem. toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix. vander - Vandermonde matrix. wilkinson - Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix. help stat stat.m not found. help stats Statistics Toolbox Version 6.0 (R2007a) 01-Feb-2007 Distributions. Parameter estimation. betafit - Beta parameter estimation. binofit - Binomial parameter estimation. dfittool - Distribution fitting tool. evfit - Extreme value parameter estimation. expfit - Exponential parameter estimation. gamfit - Gamma parameter estimation. gevfit - Generalized extreme value parameter estimation. gpfit - Generalized Pareto parameter estimation. lognfit - Lognormal parameter estimation. mle - Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). mlecov - Asymptotic covariance matrix of MLE. nbinfit - Negative binomial parameter estimation. normfit - Normal parameter estimation. paretotails - Empirical cdf with generalized Pareto tails. poissfit - Poisson parameter estimation. raylfit - Rayleigh parameter estimation. unifit - Uniform parameter estimation. wblfit - Weibull parameter estimation. Probability density functions (pdf). betapdf - Beta density. binopdf - Binomial density. chi2pdf - Chi square density. evpdf - Extreme value density. exppdf - Exponential density. fpdf - F density. gampdf - Gamma density. geopdf - Geometric density. gevpdf - Generalized extreme value density. gppdf - Generalized Pareto density. hygepdf - Hypergeometric density. lognpdf - Lognormal density. mnpdf - Multinomial probability density function. mvnpdf - Multivariate normal density. mvtpdf - Multivariate t density. nbinpdf - Negative binomial density. ncfpdf - Noncentral F density. nctpdf - Noncentral t density. ncx2pdf - Noncentral Chi-square density. normpdf - Normal (Gaussian) density. pdf - Density function for a specified distribution. poisspdf - Poisson density. raylpdf - Rayleigh density. tpdf - T density. unidpdf - Discrete uniform density. unifpdf - Uniform density. wblpdf - Weibull density. Cumulative Distribution functions (cdf). betacdf - Beta cumulative distribution function. binocdf - Binomial cumulative distribution function. cdf - Specified cumulative distribution function. chi2cdf - Chi square cumulative distribution function. ecdf - Empirical cumulative distribution function (Kaplan-Meier estimate). evcdf - Extreme value cumulative distribution function. expcdf - Exponential cumulative distribution function. fcdf - F cumulative distribution function. gamcdf - Gamma cumulative distribution function. geocdf - Geometric cumulative distribution function. gevcdf - Generalized extreme value cumulative distribution function. gpcdf - Generalized Pareto cumulative distribution function. hygecdf - Hypergeometric cumulative distribution function. logncdf - Lognormal cumulative distribution function. mvncdf - Multivariate normal cumulative distribution function. mvtcdf - Multivariate t cumulative distribution function. nbincdf - Negative binomial cumulative distribution function. ncfcdf - Noncentral F cumulative distribution function. nctcdf - Noncentral t cumulative distribution function. ncx2cdf - Noncentral Chi-square cumulative distribution function. normcdf - Normal (Gaussian) cumulative distribution function. poisscdf - Poisson cumulative distribution function. raylcdf - Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. tcdf - T cumulative distribution function. unidcdf - Discrete uniform cumulative distribution function. unifcdf - Uniform cumulative distribution function. wblcdf - Weibull cumulative distribution function. Critical Values of Distribution functions. betainv - Beta inverse cumulative distribution function. binoinv - Binomial inverse cumulative distribution function. chi2inv - Chi square inverse cumulative distribution function. evinv - Extreme value inverse cumulative distribution function. expinv - Exponential inverse cumulative distribution function. finv - F inverse cumulative distribution function. gaminv - Gamma inverse cumulative distribution function. geoinv - Geometric inverse cumulative distribution function. gevinv - Generalized extreme value inverse cumulative distribution function. gpinv - Generalized Pareto inverse cumulative distribution function. hygeinv - Hypergeometric inverse cumulative distribution function. icdf - Specified inverse cumulative distribution function. logninv - Lognormal inverse cumulative distribution function. nbininv - Negative binomial inverse distribution function. ncfinv - Noncentral F inverse cumulative distribution function. nctinv - Noncentral t inverse cumulative distribution function. ncx2inv - Noncentral Chi-square inverse distribution function. norminv - Normal (Gaussian) inverse cumulative distribution function. poissinv - Poisson inverse cumulative distribution function. raylinv - Rayleigh inverse cumulative distribution function. tinv - T inverse cumulative distribution function. unidinv - Discrete uniform inverse cumulative distribution function. unifinv - Uniform inverse cumulative distribution function. wblinv - Weibull inverse cumulative distribution function. Random Number Generators. betarnd - Beta random numbers. binornd - Binomial random numbers. chi2rnd - Chi square random numbers. evrnd - Extreme value random numbers. exprnd - Exponential random numbers. frnd - F random numbers. gamrnd - Gamma random numbers. geornd - Geometric random numbers. gevrnd - Generalized extreme value random numbers. gprnd - Generalized Pareto inverse random numbers. hygernd - Hypergeometric random numbers. iwishrnd - Inverse Wishart random matrix. johnsrnd - Random numbers from the Johnson system of distributions. lognrnd - Lognormal random numbers. mhsample - Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. mnrnd - Multinomial random vectors. mvnrnd - Multivariate normal random vectors. mvtrnd - Multivariate t random vectors. nbinrnd - Negative binomial random numbers. ncfrnd - Noncentral F random numbers. nctrnd - Noncentral t random numbers. ncx2rnd - Noncentral Chi-square random numbers. normrnd - Normal (Gaussian) random numbers. pearsrnd - Random numbers from the Pearson system of distributions. poissrnd - Poisson random numbers. randg - Gamma random numbers (unit scale). random - Random numbers from specified distribution. randsample - Random sample from finite population. raylrnd - Rayleigh random numbers. slicesample - Slice sampling method. trnd - T random numbers. unidrnd - Discrete uniform random numbers. unifrnd - Uniform random numbers. wblrnd - Weibull random numbers. wishrnd - Wishart random matrix. Statistics. betastat - Beta mean and variance. binostat - Binomial mean and variance. chi2stat - Chi square mean and variance. evstat - Extreme value mean and variance. expstat - Exponential mean and variance. fstat - F mean and variance. gamstat - Gamma mean and variance. geostat - Geometric mean and variance. gevstat - Generalized extreme value mean and variance. gpstat - Generalized Pareto inverse mean and variance. hygestat - Hypergeometric mean and variance. lognstat - Lognormal mean and variance. nbinstat - Negative binomial mean and variance. ncfstat - Noncentral F mean and variance. nctstat - Noncentral t mean and variance. ncx2stat - Noncentral Chi-square mean and variance. normstat - Normal (Gaussian) mean and variance. poisstat - Poisson mean and variance. raylstat - Rayleigh mean and variance. tstat - T mean and variance. unidstat - Discrete uniform mean and variance. unifstat - Uniform mean and variance. wblstat - Weibull mean and variance. Likelihood functions. betalike - Negative beta log-likelihood. evlike - Negative extreme value log-likelihood. explike - Negative exponential log-likelihood. gamlike - Negative gamma log-likelihood. gevlike - Generalized extreme value log-likelihood. gplike - Generalized Pareto inverse log-likelihood. lognlike - Negative lognormal log-likelihood. nbinlike - Negative binomial log-likelihood. normlike - Negative normal likelihood. wbllike - Negative Weibull log-likelihood. Descriptive Statistics. bootci - Bootstrap confidence intervals. bootstrp - Bootstrap statistics. corr - Linear or rank correlation coefficient. corrcoef - Linear correlation coefficient (in MATLAB toolbox). cov - Covariance (in MATLAB toolbox). crosstab - Cross tabulation. geomean - Geometric mean. grpstats - Summary statistics by group. harmmean - Harmonic mean. iqr - Interquartile range. jackknife - Jackknife statistics. kurtosis - Kurtosis. mad - Median Absolute Deviation. mean - Sample average (in MATLAB toolbox). median - 50th percentile of a sample (in MATLAB toolbox). moment - Moments of a sample. nancov - Covariance matrix ignoring NaNs. nanmax - Maximum ignoring NaNs. nanmean - Mean ignoring NaNs. nanmedian - Median ignoring NaNs. nanmin - Minimum ignoring NaNs. nanstd - Standard deviation ignoring NaNs. nansum - Sum ignoring NaNs. nanvar - Variance ignoring NaNs. partialcorr - Linear or rank partial correlation coefficient. prctile - Percentiles. quantile - Quantiles. range - Range. skewness - Skewness. std - Standard deviation (in MATLAB toolbox). tabulate - Frequency table. trimmean - Trimmed mean. var - Variance (in MATLAB toolbox). Linear Models. addedvarplot - Created added-variable plot for stepwise regression. anova1 - One-way analysis of variance. anova2 - Two-way analysis of variance. anovan - n-way analysis of variance. aoctool - Interactive tool for analysis of covariance. dummyvar - Dummy-variable coding. friedman - Friedman's test (nonparametric two-way anova). glmfit - Generalized linear model fitting. glmval - Evaluate fitted values for generalized linear model. invpred - Inverse prediction for simple linear regression. kruskalwallis - Kruskal-Wallis test (nonparametric one-way anova). leverage - Regression diagnostic. lscov - Ordinary, weighted, or generalized least-squares (in MATLAB toolbox). lsqnonneg - Non-negative least-squares (in MATLAB toolbox). manova1 - One-way multivariate analysis of variance. manovacluster - Draw clusters of group means for manova1. mnrfit - Nominal or ordinal multinomial regression model fitting. mnrval - Predict values for nominal or ordinal multinomial regression. multcompare - Multiple comparisons of means and other estimates. mvregress - Multivariate regression with missing data. mvregresslike - Negative log-likelihood for multivariate regression. polyconf - Polynomial evaluation and confidence interval estimation. polyfit - Least-squares polynomial fitting (in MATLAB toolbox). polyval - Predicted values for polynomial functions (in MATLAB toolbox). rcoplot - Residuals case order plot. regress - Multiple linear regression using least squares. regstats - Regression diagnostics. ridge - Ridge regression. robustfit - Robust regression model fitting. rstool - Multidimensional response surface visualization (RSM). stepwise - Interactive tool for stepwise regression. stepwisefit - Non-interactive stepwise regression. x2fx - Factor settings matrix (x) to design matrix (fx). Nonlinear Models. coxphfit - Cox proportional hazards regression. nlinfit - Nonlinear least-squares data fitting. nlintool - Interactive graphical tool for prediction in nonlinear models. nlpredci - Confidence intervals for prediction. nlparci - Confidence intervals for parameters. Design of Experiments (DOE). bbdesign - Box-Behnken design. candexch - D-optimal design (row exchange algorithm for candidate set). candgen - Candidates set for D-optimal design generation. ccdesign - Central composite design. cordexch - D-optimal design (coordinate exchange algorithm). daugment - Augment D-optimal design. dcovary - D-optimal design with fixed covariates. fracfactgen - Fractional factorial design generators. ff2n - Two-level full-factorial design. fracfact - Two-level fractional factorial design. fullfact - Mixed-level full-factorial design. hadamard - Hadamard matrices (orthogonal arrays) (in MATLAB toolbox). lhsdesign - Latin hypercube sampling design. lhsnorm - Latin hypercube multivariate normal sample. rowexch - D-optimal design (row exchange algorithm). Statistical Process Control (SPC). capability - Capability indices. capaplot - Capability plot. controlchart - Shewhart control chart. controlrules - Control rules (Western Electric or Nelson) for SPC data. gagerr - Gage repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) study. histfit - Histogram with superimposed normal density. normspec - Plot normal density between specification limits. runstest - Runs test for randomness. Multivariate Statistics. Cluster Analysis. cophenet - Cophenetic coefficient. cluster - Construct clusters from LINKAGE output. clusterdata - Construct clusters from data. dendrogram - Generate dendrogram plot. inconsistent - Inconsistent values of a cluster tree. kmeans - k-means clustering. linkage - Hierarchical cluster information. pdist - Pairwise distance between observations. silhouette - Silhouette plot of clustered data. squareform - Square matrix formatted distance. Dimension Reduction Techniques. factoran - Factor analysis. pcacov - Principal components from covariance matrix. pcares - Residuals from principal components. princomp - Principal components analysis from raw data. rotatefactors - Rotation of FA or PCA loadings. Copulas copulacdf - Cumulative probability function for a copula. copulaparam - Copula parameters as a function of rank correlation. copulapdf - Probability density function for a copula. copularnd - Random vectors from a copula. copulastat - Rank correlation for a copula. Plotting. andrewsplot - Andrews plot for multivariate data. biplot - Biplot of variable/factor coefficients and scores. interactionplot - Interaction plot for factor effects. maineffectsplot - Main effects plot for factor effects. glyphplot - Plot stars or Chernoff faces for multivariate data. gplotmatrix - Matrix of scatter plots grouped by a common variable. multivarichart - Multi-vari chart of factor effects. parallelcoords - Parallel coordinates plot for multivariate data. Other Multivariate Methods. barttest - Bartlett's test for dimensionality. canoncorr - Canonical correlation analysis. cmdscale - Classical multidimensional scaling. classify - Linear discriminant analysis. mahal - Mahalanobis distance. manova1 - One-way multivariate analysis of variance. mdscale - Metric and non-metric multidimensional scaling. mvregress - Multivariate regression with missing data. procrustes - Procrustes analysis. Decision Tree Techniques. treedisp - Display decision tree. treefit - Fit data using a classification or regression tree. treeprune - Prune decision tree or creating optimal pruning sequence. treetest - Estimate error for decision tree. treeval - Compute fitted values using decision tree. Hypothesis Tests. ansaribradley - Ansari-Bradley two-sample test for equal dispersions. dwtest - Durbin-Watson test for autocorrelation in linear regression. linhyptest - Linear hypothesis test on parameter estimates. ranksum - Wilcoxon rank sum test (independent samples). runstest - Runs test for randomness. sampsizepwr - Sample size and power calculation for hypothesis test. signrank - Wilcoxon sign rank test (paired samples). signtest - Sign test (paired samples). ttest - One sample t test. ttest2 - Two sample t test. vartest - One-sample test of variance. vartest2 - Two-sample F test for equal variances. vartestn - Test for equal variances across multiple groups. ztest - Z test. Distribution Testing. chi2gof - Chi-square goodness-of-fit test. jbtest - Jarque-Bera test of normality. kstest - Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for one sample. kstest2 - Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two samples. lillietest - Lilliefors test of normality. Nonparametric Functions. friedman - Friedman's test (nonparametric two-way anova). kruskalwallis - Kruskal-Wallis test (nonparametric one-way anova). ksdensity - Kernel smoothing density estimation. ranksum - Wilcoxon rank sum test (independent samples). signrank - Wilcoxon sign rank test (paired samples). signtest - Sign test (paired samples). Hidden Markov Models. hmmdecode - Calculate HMM posterior state probabilities. hmmestimate - Estimate HMM parameters given state information. hmmgenerate - Generate random sequence for HMM. hmmtrain - Calculate maximum likelihood estimates for HMM parameters. hmmviterbi - Calculate most probable state path for HMM sequence. Statistical Plotting. andrewsplot - Andrews plot for multivariate data. biplot - Biplot of variable/factor coefficients and scores. boxplot - Boxplots of a data matrix (one per column). cdfplot - Plot of empirical cumulative distribution function. ecdf - Empirical cdf (Kaplan-Meier estimate). ecdfhist - Histogram calculated from empirical cdf. fsurfht - Interactive contour plot of a function. gline - Point, drag and click line drawing on figures. glyphplot - Plot stars or Chernoff faces for multivariate data. gname - Interactive point labeling in x-y plots. gplotmatrix - Matrix of scatter plots grouped by a common variable. gscatter - Scatter plot of two variables grouped by a third. hist - Histogram (in MATLAB toolbox). hist3 - Three-dimensional histogram of bivariate data. ksdensity - Kernel smoothing density estimation. lsline - Add least-square fit line to scatter plot. normplot - Normal probability plot. parallelcoords - Parallel coordinates plot for multivariate data. probplot - Probability plot. qqplot - Quantile-Quantile plot. refcurve - Reference polynomial curve. refline - Reference line. scatterhist - 2D scatter plot with marginal histograms. surfht - Interactive contour plot of a data grid. wblplot - Weibull probability plot. Data Objects dataset - Create datasets from workspace variables or files. nominal - Create arrays of nominal data. ordinal - Create arrays of ordinal data. Statistics Demos. aoctool - Interactive tool for analysis of covariance. disttool - GUI tool for exploring probability distribution functions. polytool - Interactive graph for prediction of fitted polynomials. randtool - GUI tool for generating random numbers. rsmdemo - Reaction simulation (DOE, RSM, nonlinear curve fitting). robustdemo - Interactive tool to compare robust and least squares fits. File Based I/O. tblread - Read in data in tabular format. tblwrite - Write out data in tabular format to file. tdfread - Read in text and numeric data from tab-delimited file. caseread - Read in case names. casewrite - Write out case names to file. Utility Functions. cholcov - Cholesky-like decomposition for covariance matrix. combnk - Enumeration of all combinations of n objects k at a time. grp2idx - Convert grouping variable to indices and array of names. hougen - Prediction function for Hougen model (nonlinear example). statget - Get STATS options parameter value. statset - Set STATS options parameter value. tiedrank - Compute ranks of sample, adjusting for ties. zscore - Normalize matrix columns to mean 0, variance 1. pwd ans = /home/ml/buenau getpath ??? Undefined function or variable 'getpath'. path MATLABPATH /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/general /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/ops /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/lang /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elmat /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/matfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datafun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/polyfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/funfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/sparfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/scribe /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph2d /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph3d /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specgraph /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graphics /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/uitools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/strfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/imagesci /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/iofun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/audiovideo /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timefun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datatypes /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/verctrl /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/helptools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/demos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timeseries /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/hds /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/guide /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/plottools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/local /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/controllib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/blocks /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/components /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/fxpdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/obsolete /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/aerospace /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/automotive /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simfeatures /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simgeneral /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dee /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/dastudio /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/glue /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/rtw/rtw /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor/fixpt /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/MPlayIO /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/dataobjectwizard /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/fixedpointlib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dataimportexport /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/hdlshared /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/sfdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/coder /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/eml/eml /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcoder /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcodermex /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fixedpoint /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fidemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/images /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imuitools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/iptutils /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/imageslib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/medformats /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/slvnv/simcoverage /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optim /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optimdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/optimlib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/signal /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigtools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sptoolgui /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/spcuilib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stats /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vr /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vrdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/work addpath ??? Error using ==> addpath at 35 Not enough input arguments. addpath('/home/ml/buenau/irgendwas') Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: /home/ml/buenau/irgendwas. > In path at 110 In addpath at 89 help addpath ADDPATH Add directory to search path. ADDPATH DIRNAME prepends the specified directory to the current matlabpath. Surround the DIRNAME in quotes if the name contains a space. If DIRNAME is a set of multiple directories separated by path separators, then each of the specified directories will be added. ADDPATH DIR1 DIR2 DIR3 ... prepends all the specified directories to the path. ADDPATH ... -END appends the specified directories. ADDPATH ... -BEGIN prepends the specified directories. ADDPATH ... -FROZEN disables directory change detection for directories being added and thereby conserves Windows change notification resources (Windows only). Use the functional form of ADDPATH, such as ADDPATH('dir1','dir2',...), when the directory specification is stored in a string. P = ADDPATH(...) returns the path prior to adding the specified paths. Examples addpath c:\matlab\work addpath /home/user/matlab addpath /home/user/matlab:/home/user/matlab/test: addpath /home/user/matlab /home/user/matlab/test See also RMPATH, PATHTOOL, PATH, SAVEPATH, GENPATH, REHASH. path MATLABPATH /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/general /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/ops /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/lang /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elmat /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/matfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datafun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/polyfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/funfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/sparfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/scribe /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph2d /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph3d /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specgraph /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graphics /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/uitools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/strfun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/imagesci /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/iofun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/audiovideo /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timefun /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datatypes /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/verctrl /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/helptools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/demos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timeseries /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/hds /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/guide /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/plottools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/local /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/controllib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/blocks /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/components /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/fxpdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/obsolete /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/aerospace /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/automotive /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simfeatures /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simgeneral /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dee /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/dastudio /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/glue /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/rtw/rtw /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor/fixpt /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/MPlayIO /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/dataobjectwizard /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/fixedpointlib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dataimportexport /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/hdlshared /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/sfdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/coder /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/eml/eml /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcoder /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcodermex /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fixedpoint /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fidemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/images /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imuitools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/iptutils /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/imageslib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/medformats /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/slvnv/simcoverage /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optim /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optimdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/optimlib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/signal /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigtools /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sptoolgui /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/spcuilib /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stats /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vr /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vrdemos /home/ml/ml/matlab/work R = path; whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 4x4 128 double B 3x3 72 double R 1x3613 7226 char a 1x10 80 double ans 1x15 30 char b 1x1 8 double d 1x1 8 double R R = /home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/general:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/ops:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/lang:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elmat:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/elfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/matfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datafun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/polyfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/funfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/sparfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/scribe:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph2d:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graph3d:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/specgraph:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/graphics:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/uitools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/strfun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/imagesci:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/iofun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/audiovideo:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timefun:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datatypes:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/verctrl:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/helptools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/demos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/timeseries:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/hds:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/guide:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/matlab/plottools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/local:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/controllib:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/blocks:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/components:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/fxpdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/fixedandfloat/obsolete:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/aerospace:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/automotive:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simfeatures:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simdemos/simgeneral:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dee:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/dastudio:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/glue:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/rtw/rtw:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor/fixpt:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/MPlayIO:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/simulink/dataobjectwizard:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/fixedpointlib:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/simulink/dataimportexport:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/hdlshared:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/sfdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stateflow/coder:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/eml/eml:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcoder:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/emlcoder/emlcodermex:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fixedpoint:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/fixedpoint/fidemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/images:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imuitools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/imdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/iptutils:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/imageslib:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/images/medformats:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/slvnv/simcoverage:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optim:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/optim/optimdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/optimlib:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/signal:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigtools:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sptoolgui:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/signal/sigdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/shared/spcuilib:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/stats:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vr:/home/ml/ml/matlab/toolbox/vr/vrdemos:/home/ml/ml/matlab/work help rmpath RMPATH Remove directory from search path. RMPATH DIRNAME removes the specified directory from the current matlabpath. Surround the DIRNAME in quotes if the name contains a space. If DIRNAME is a set of multiple directories separated by path separators, then each of the specified directories will be removed. RMPATH DIR1 DIR2 DIR3 removes all the specified directories from the path. Use the functional form of RMPATH, such as RMPATH('dir1','dir2',...), when the directory specification is stored in a string. P = RMPATH(...) returns the path prior to removing the specified paths. Examples rmpath c:\matlab\work rmpath /home/user/matlab rmpath /home/user/matlab:/home/user/matlab/test: rmpath /home/user/matlab /home/user/matlab/test See also ADDPATH, PATHTOOL, PATH, SAVEPATH, GENPATH, REHASH. help func1 FUNC1 Is some strange function. [x, y] = func1(5,5) x = 10 y = 25 which func1 /home/ml/buenau/func1.m type func1 function [ a b ] = func1(c, d) %FUNC1 Is some strange function. r = 99; a = c+d; b = c*d; myprod([1 2 3]) ans = 6 myprod([1 -1 2 3]) ans = 1 myprod([1 -1 2 3]) ans = 6 exit