------ = Policies and Practical Hints for Members of the BBCI Group = ------ '''IN CONSTRUCTION''' ---- === Table of Contents === * /BBCISVNpolicy - ''What to put where in the SVN etc.'': [[#svn-policy]] * Writing papers: [[#writing-papers]] * Accommodate new group members: [[#new-members]] ---- === SVN Policy === <> -- In Construction -- DO NOT commit PDFs and MATs to the 'matlab' SVN bbci. Our policy is to use the 'bbci' SVN as far as possible only for Matlab *.m files. Otherwise its size will grow too much. PDFs and other figures should be put into the SVN bbci_tex. There is a folder structure that corresponds to bbci/investigation (i.e., 'studies', 'projects', 'private', 'presentation' with their subfolders). Furthermore, we usually do not put results files in the SVN, but store them under `[DATA_DIR 'results/']` (again with the same subfolder structure). By synchronizing your local results directory with the respective folder on the cluster, you can also exchange results with others, without stressing the SVN. (`DATA_DIR` is a global variable that should be set in the Matlab startup script of each machine, e.g. `DATA_DIR='/home/bbci/data/'` on the cluster.) Note, that also putting temporarily large files into the SVN and deleting them afterwards blows up the size of the SVN (after deleting not in the individual checkouts, but on the central file server). DO NOT commit Videos to the 'presentation' SVN bbci_tex. Otherwise its size will grow too much. You should store them in a subfolder of `[DATA_DIR 'eegVideo/']` In order to have the videos available for your presentation you can use symbolic links under Linux. A good way is to have a file `link_movies` that makes the symbolic links, e.g., {{{ ln -s $EEGVIDEO/demos/csp_animation.avi . ln -s $EEGVIDEO/charite/video_tetraplegia.avi . }}} Using this file, anyone get can link the videos to his personal SVN instance and work as if the files are there. The environment variable `EEGVIDEO` must be set to /home/bbci/data/eegVideo on the cluster (in your `.bashrc` file), and accordingly on your local machine. By synchronizing the required subfolders of eegVideo, you get the same effect as have videos in the SVN, but without SVN explosion. (TODO: Describe solution for Windows/Mac?) === Writing Papers === <> Note for every figure and table, which matlab script (path/filename in the bbci SVN) was used to generate them (resp. the values). In LaTeX, this can be done as comments in the figure environment, for Word/Powerpoint the information can be provided in a separate txt file. These scripts should preferably be in a subfolder of bbci/investigation/presentation that should be clean, i.e., obsolete scripts should be deleted or moved into subfolders. If calculation and plotting is done in different Matlab scripts, the plotting script should have comments about which script generated the data. ---- === Accomodate New Group Members === <> ==== Rights to access the svn ==== * Go with the new member to Andrea or Imke for administrative steps (which?) and to get an office key. * The new member has to create a wiki account on [[https://wiki.ml.tu-berlin.de/wiki/IDA]]. The convention for the login is !FirstnameLastname, e.g., !BenjaminBlankertz. * Then you have to write an email to Dominik Kühne : {{{ Dear Dominik, we have a new member in the BBCI group. Please do the following thing: * Give access to the BBCI Wiki. The login is: FILLIN. * Give access to all BBCI parts of the SVN. * Add the user to the 'bbci' group on the cluster. * ??Register the mac address for LAN access in the 7th floor.?? Is this neccessary?? Thank you, XYZ }}} * Then the new member can checkout the following SVNs. * https://ml01.zrz.tu-berlin.de/svn/ida/public/bbci * https://ml01.zrz.tu-berlin.de/svn/ida/public/bbci_tex * https://ml01.zrz.tu-berlin.de/svn/ida/public/texmf * Under windows this can be done with [[http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html|TortoiseSVN]]. In Linux it works as follows: {{{ mkdir ~/svn cd ~/svn svn checkout --username UserName https://ml01.zrz.tu-berlin.de/svn/ida/public/bbci bbci }}} * In Linux: put a symbol link to the texmf directory in the home (assuming ~/svn/texmf is the path to the texmf directory): {{{ cd ls -s svn/texmf . }}} * Give the new member the password of the springfield and the guest WLAN. * Give the new member the web address of the BBCI wiki. * Instruct how to use the coffee machine (+ payment).